Allie Olson Highlands Wrap Dress

Hey everybody!! How are you? Wow, it's been a long time! I've totally fallen off the blogoshpere. Not only in writing but in reading too. I don't know, I just kind of got overwhelmed by it all, and truth be told, I still am. My reading list is out of control, I just follow so many, and I always try to comment which takes time too. Anyway, I'm trying to get back into it. Hopefully you've found me on Instagram by now and you've been following along with me there. I've been posting like crazy over there - it's just quicker, and there's less pressure to write. #bloggerproblems LOL

Anyway, I thought to jump back into things we could start with something fun (and seasonally appropriate). This is the Highlands Wrap Dress by Allie Olson. I was lucky to be a pattern tester for this pattern, so keep in mind a few changes have been made since the testing process was completed, and after too. For more info on that, see this post on Allie's blog. This style is a bit out of my comfort zone, but I really like it anyway. (Can you believe I made this dress back in February!!! Whoa!)

Let's start with some details. I was kind of all over the place for the size range so I decided to make a quick muslin of the bodice. I chose to muslin a size 10 with fabric very similar to my final fabric, and it looked great. So I proceeded to make the size 10 in final fabric. In hindsight, I really wish I would have made the size 12. I think the back looks pretty good, but you can see that it's a little tight across the bust and the belly, and therefore I don't think the wrap is sitting quite how it should. This pattern also has quite small seam allowances for a woven (3/8") , so that doesn't give much wiggle room.

This pattern comes with two lengths, a maxi and a midi, and  sleeveless or cute little short sleeves. I went for the midi without sleeves, and as you can see, it's much closer to maxi on my short body.

This is the first time I've made or worn a wrap dress, and I was a little worried about it gaping and falling open. While the wrap itself is secured on the inside with a button or snap, and stays secure, for me I didn't feel like it was secure enough across the bust. Now this might be less of an issue, had I made a better size for my bod, but I think I would add some type of closure at the bust, like a little snap or something like that. Otherwise I would be constantly adjusting like in the photo below.

The pattern itself is very well drafted, and the instructions were fabulous. If you are into this style of dress, I would definitly reccommend it. The fabric I used is poly crepe from Blackbird Fabrics. I am not the best at sewing with slippery fabrics, and I feel like the front facing and neckline got a little stretched out. But I'm trying not to sweat it too much. The only way I'm ever going to get good at this is if I keep practicing. LOL

Alright! Done! I have some posts to write so hopefully I'll be back soon. Hope you're having a great summer so far.